October 1st marks the start of National Safe Work Month.
This concept is designed to provide heightened awareness to everyone across the country that we should be working in a safe environment.

I always have the thought every day of any month is a safety awareness day. A day where everyone will be looking to keep themselves and those around out of harm’s way.

This dedicated month of safety in Australia will bring everyone to a sharp focus. Look out for the ads, the webinars, the safety talks and safety shares taking place. We all have a part to play in safety. No question, no observation or no discussion is unworthy of spending the time to be safe.

What are your thoughts on safety during any working day?
Do you have a role to play?
Should you speak up?
Should you participate?
Yes, Yes and Yes should always be your answer. You are at the front line of safety. That’s your safety and those around you. Make sure you put forward your idea, your observation or your concern.

We’ve had many distractions during 2020 and COVID-19 plans are at the forefront of every workplace’s safety agenda.
This won’t be the only safety challenge we face this year. Everyone’s focus needs to be on ensuring a safe place of work for all.
Whether you are WFH, stationed in a Victorian essential workplace or at your normal workplace, let’s keep the conversations going.
Join in any toolbox and safety talks, take the lead if you can as your actions could be crucial.

Additional resources can be found with Safe Work Australia leading the way. See their site and ideas here: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/national-safe-work-month

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