Aim to arrive 10 minutes before an interview as this will make an excellent first impression.

Dress smart and appropriate for the specific position, from a company point of view you can never be overdressed and if you are unsure of the dress code always ask at the telephone interview.

Walk into your interview with confidence, smile, shake the interviewer’s hand and introduce yourself making eye contact.

Preparation is your main strength to a successful interview as you only have 45 – 60 minutes to make a strong impression. The types of question you will be asked will vary from position to position but all interviews wish to:

  • Find out more about your work history?
  • How well will you suit the organisation?
  • What are your skill sets and career objectives?

Remember an interview is a two-way street, you are evaluating the company to gauge if you can see yourself working in this department, reporting to the manager and do they meet your expectations.

Show detail around your answers how you have won business, complete a task, provided excellent customer service etc.  Interviewers don’t like answers like:

  • “I achieved good sales due to my ability to build a good relationship”
  • “I complete a task by breaking down the processes”
  • “I provide excellent customer service”

You need to show examples using evidence on exactly how you can relate to the question based from your work experiences. If you don’t understand a question, don’t be afraid to say, “I’m unsure what you mean, can you please explain” This will show you are well balanced, confident and have the ability to listen.

Research the company’s website and industry you are applying for.  

Ask intelligent questions and this will show you have a genuine interest in the company.

  • Can you tell me about the company’s history?
  • What are the company’s products or services?
  • How strong is the potential for growth or promotion?
  • What is the next stage of the interview process?

When the interview is finished, show appreciation and thank the interviewer for the opportunity and their time.  Express your interest in the position and shake their hand as you leave.

If you are unsuccessful, use the interview as a learning experience in preparation for the next job application. Look at what went well and what needs improvement so each interview you attend will be better than the last.

Consider all job offers carefully and make your decision at home in a relaxed environment with a clear mind. Analyse your reasons for wanting to make the move and make sure they will satisfy your requirements.